Master the Law of Attraction

Titlepic: Master the Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction? How can I use it to improve my chances of attracting those things that I truly desire? How can I use it to minimize the risk of getting undesired things appearing in my life?

Other important questions about the Law of Attraction are: Which processes are best, in terms of increasing my own attraction power? How should I align my thoughts and beliefs in order to put myself into “allowing mode”?

KEYWORDS: allowing, attraction, beliefs, deliberate creation, emotions, feelings, Law of Attraction, manifesting, manifestations, thoughts.

First published Thu 9 Jan 2020; substantially revised Thu 14 Jul 2022 (Rev. 2).



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This page is a no-nonsense overview of the Law of Attraction and how to use it.

This article is intended to serve two types of readers. It is meant primarily for beginners, who know little or nothing about this powerful principle.

However, this article also is meant for those who are not entirely new to the idea of the Law of Attraction. For there are many individuals who, for different reasons, may not yet have fully succeeded in applying this principle in their own lives.

Whoever you are, you are most welcome to this overview. I am hoping that this introductory guide will serve you well, and that you will acquire some preliminary confidence in the idea that the Law of Attraction is a worthwhile project for you, with the potential to give you a very happy and joyful life.


The focus in Part 1 is to give a brief introduction to the Law of Attraction. Along with that, there are also some “motivational” sections that may help the reader to decide whether or not the Law of Attraction should be taken seriously, and be practiced in their own life.

What Is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that essentially says “like vibrations attract like vibrations”.

The basic idea here is that every person is a transmitter of thought energy, and that the universe is listening to his or her (continuous) broadcasts, and then boomeranging back similar vibrations.

This “bounce-back” may be thought of as the universe is reasoning something like this: “If you are transmitting a certain vibration or signal, you must do so because you like that vibration or signal. So I, the Universe, will give you some more such vibrations to play with, since you seem to like them so much.”

So whatever we focus our attention on, whether it is something that we like or love, or whether it is something that we dislike or hate, creates a vibration within us, which then the Universe responds to.

The upshot is this: We CREATE our own reality. And we do that by the quality and intensity of our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Whether we like a thing or not, by focusing on it we invite it into our experience.

So the goal, for a student of the Law of Attraction, is (theoretically) simple: we “just” have to learn how to “steer” our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in the right way, in order to create a better life-world for ourselves.

Only when we have developed an understanding of this “art of steering” will we be able to substantially influence our life experience in the right direction, making it better and better, day by day, week by week, year by year.

Is Law of Attraction Proven by Science?

Although many authors and bloggers suggest that the Law of Attraction is “scientific”, or that “it is based on quantum mechanics”, and other such statements, no serious academic scientist or researcher, whether in psychology or in theoretical physics, has, to date, proven that the Law of Attraction is real.

There may be many reasons for this, as I mention in my article “Law of Attraction: When Will It Be Proven By Science?“. One important reason may be that most scientists and researchers have very little initial enthusiasm for the Law of Attraction idea itself. So for them, Law of Attraction might be just some “pseudoscience” or even “pure nonsense”.

But the fact that Law of Attraction is not yet labelled as a proven principle by the leading scientists in the accredited institutions does not prove that the Law of Attraction is not real. And no-one needs the scientists approval in order to use the Law of Attraction. After all, before scientists discovered the law of gravitation, it did not stop people from using gravitation in their own lives.

Why Would Anyone Want to Use the Law of Attraction?

The main reason why deliberate manifestation with the Law of Attraction is so attractive is because it enables us to acquire a more general sense of well-being, with more happiness and joy, more positivity and optimism, more confidence and self-esteem, and many other similarly wonderful things.

The more authentically positive and optimistic we become as we are moving up toward, and into, the positive half of the negativity-positivity spectrum, the more good things will come our way. It is law.

In short, the presence of the Law of Attraction gives us the opportunity to take control of our life experience, and make it better and better, the more we continue doing it.

Is the Law of Attraction Too Good to Be True?

Some people might say that the Law of Attraction simply sounds too good to be true. Can we really get everything we desire?

The answer to that question is, indeed, a “Yes”. But we cannot have all of those things if we are not very deliberately setting ourselves up for success.

So it is not a “free lunch” kind of deal. It is always accompanied by “serious” inner work (as opposed to physical work), which, to most people, may not sound all that attractive.

But that is what deliberate creation is all about. It is an internal, mental, and psychological affair. That is where the “battle” is. It’s in there, inside of ourselves, where we lay the foundation for how this particular lifetime of ours is going to play out in “the real world”.

The overall conclusion, then, is that the Law of Attraction is NOT too good to be true. For there is typically a substantial amount of preparatory inner work to be done before the desired (typically gross physical) manifestations will appear in one’s experience.


The focus in Part 2 is to give the reader a detailed and authorized account of how to apply the Law of Attraction in a successful way.

However, the reader should be aware that this is still introductory material, intended for beginners. Thus, for a serious student of the Law of Attraction, there is much more to be learned than what is presented below.

Who Can Start Using the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is open to everyone, whether we are male or female, Europeans or Americans, teenagers or retired. But all people may not be equally open to the idea of starting to use it.

Everyone has a different starting point on the emotional scale, and on the “motivational” scale as well. And whatever that starting point is, is okay. We all have to start somewhere.

This is, however, not to say that it is equally easy, or equally quick, to reach the first “zone” of positivity, the level of P1 (“slightly positive”). Rather, the amount of time and effort needed to reach P1 is heavily dependent on one’s current state of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

Someone starting out as an N1 (“slightly negative”) usually has relatively little resistance to the idea of self-improvement and self-development. He or she can thus quite easily be motivated by the promise of more positivity, happiness, and success.

However, someone starting out as an N2 (“medium negative”) or an N3 (“strongly negative”) may not be so easily convinced. This is because the Law of Attraction keeps their negativity going, making them more “stuck in their groove”, like a broken record.

But if such N2s and N3s, in a period of temporarily feeling better, could start soothing themselves more, and understand the value of self-acceptance and self-love, and take advantage of various other self-help techniques, they too could gradually, step by step, move their vibration upward: first to N1, and then, in the next step, continue toward P1.

How Should I Best Use the Law of Attraction?

In my view, the Law of Attraction should primarily be viewed as a tool for a more happy and fulfilled life, rather than as a tool for particular desired manifestations (cars, villas, truckloads of money).

The reasoning behind this is that individual desired manifestations seldom give continuous happiness and satisfaction anyway. They may be thrilling for a day or two, or a week or two, but their awesomeness usually fades away quite quickly. Thus, the appearance of a few such manifestations are no guarantee for a continuously happy and fulfilled life, as a whole.

But if we instead start by creating a happy and fulfilled life for ourselves, without those particular manifestations, then we do not really need any particular manifestations to get that wonderful feeling. For we already know how to generate such emotions. So what we really want is not the manifestation itself, but the feeling of it. And that can be achieved by practice.

And when we have acquired that feeling of happiness and success, no matter what our “physical” circumstances may be, then we are in an excellent position to actually receive all those manifestations that we have previously identified.

So instead of “forcing” or “making” the manifestations appear (by various types of “focus-on-that-thing-until-it-manifests” tactics), we are now letting the manifestations appear by their own accord, as a natural consequence of our new relaxed, joyful, and care-free mood.

How Should I Feel Before My Manifestations Appear?

As I see it, mastering the Law of Attraction is not about manifesting a particular sports car, or a fancy condominium, or an attractive spouse. All such things may of course be wonderful in their own right to have, and we may very well desire them wholeheartedly. But what do we do in mean time, before we get them?

My point is this. We cannot be dependent on our current physical reality for our happiness. For if we are, then we will never be able to be get really happy. I mean, how can we be really happy right now, when those desired manifestations have not appeared yet? Where are they, by the way?

The task at hand is thus not to manifest gross physical things, at least not right now. Rather it’s about manifesting fine-physical things, such as good-feeling thoughts and good-feeling emotions.

Mastering the Law of Attraction is about a gradual shift in one’s thoughts and beliefs, which then (if one does everything right) may lead to a brighter and better emotional place.

Such a shift is dependent on the student’s willingness to “edit” his or her own set of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, and nudge them in the direction of that which feels slightly better.

Although this shift certainly is gradual, it is important to note that there typically will be many stumbling blocks along the way: How quickly and smoothly can you come to believe that you are worth everything you desire? Or that you REALLY have created everything that is in your current reality, including all your money troubles and relationship screw-ups?

And how can you really accept that your body is an exact depiction of your thoughts, beliefs and emotions? Or that all your diseases and illnesses were created by your thoughts and feelings, and not by germs, bacteria, or viruses?

So the job is not JUST to realize what is really going on in this world, in terms of how the Law of Attraction operates. It is also to recover from that realization, which to many people can be quite shocking and dramatic.

The 2 Phases of Mastering the Law of Attraction

So what is the overall plan, then? The plan is for the student of the Law of Attraction to participate in a process of self-discovery, where he or she gradually develops a more positive emotional attitude, with more energy, more motivation, more happiness, and more well-being than previously.

The two major phases of this development are these. In Phase One the focus is on developing full self-acceptance; in Phase Two the focus is on developing full self-love.

Phase One: Self-Acceptance

Let’s look at Phase One first. This is where self-acceptance is the main focus.

As I have pointed out in one of my articles, the concept of self-acceptance has not yet found its way into most of the standard psychological reference works. But the few reputable resources that are available suggest that self-acceptance, loosely speaking, is about accepting both one’s good sides and one’s bad sides.

However, as I have said in another article of mine on self-acceptance, the idea of self-acceptance cannot have anything to do with accepting one’s good sides. For if one perceives some of one’s qualities to be good in the first place, it means that they are already accepted. That is, “good” means, or entails, “accepted” (and more).

Thus, self-acceptance is only about overcoming those aspects of oneself that one perceives to be inadequate (or worrysome, or problematic) in some way. It might be a perceived inadequacy in terms of one’s physical appearance, or one’s physical capabilities, or, perhaps, one’s intellectual capabilities.

So the project is then to overcome these feelings of inadequacy and instead (gradually) develop a sense of “I am not only okay, but I am hopeful and optimistic about my future.”

Therefore, the “end point” for the acquiring of full self-acceptance is P1, the emotional place where we have established a basic flavor of hope and optimism. So the development graph looks like this:

This graph illustrates that self-acceptance is only gradual on the negative side of the NP spectrum. On the positive half of the NP spectrum self-acceptance is full and constant.
Figure 1. It is only meaningful to talk of a certain level of self-acceptance if the individual is on the negative side of the NP spectrum. As soon as the individual has improved his emotional range so that it is on the positive side of the negativity-positivity spectrum (i.e., at P1 or higher), his or her self-acceptance is considered to be full (and therefore constant).

Typically most people will start at N2 (“medium negativity”) or N1 (“weak negativity”) and gradually work themselves up to P1 (“weak positivity”). That is the point of full self-acceptance.

And having reached this place, they now can get on with their lives in a much more pleasant way. And now they are also eligible for Phase Two, where they can continue their emotional journey.

Phase Two: Self-Love

Having acquired the basic quality of self-acceptance, it is now time for the next phase, namely the development of true self-love. As the following graph illustrates, self-love starts where self-acceptance ends, at P1:

This diagram shows that self-love starts when the individual reaches full self-acceptance, when he or she reaches the positive half of the negativity-positivity spectrum, at P1 or higher.
Figure 2. If the individual is on the negative side of the NP spectrum, there is no real self-love to talk about, only various degrees of self-blame, etc. Self-love only starts when the individual has achieved full self-acceptance, that is, when he or she has reached the positive half of the NP spectrum, at P1 or higher.

Self-love is thus dependent on self-acceptance. Full self-acceptance must first be achieved before anything resembling self-love can begin to manifest.

Having reached P1, one can then continue one’s inner work, molding one’s thoughts, beliefs, and emotions into an even better place, and thereby gradually develop more and more love for oneself, as well as for others.

For the presence of emotional selfishness does not indicate a diminishing of love for others; on the contrary, the whole goal of the process is to increase all types of love: self-love, love for other people, love for animals, love for nature, love for anything.

The ultimate gesture of love for other people is to practically convey to them that they must adopt the philosophy of emotional selfishness themselves. So the idea is this, but it is typically not expressed in words, but in practical action:

“You must start to mind your own emotional business, as I do. That is the only way for you to get really happy. Complaining to me, or to anyone else, will take you absolutely nowhere.”

The best course of practical action is dependent on the situation. But if nothing else seems right, one can always just leave. For a person devoted to emotional selfishness is typically also an expert at finding good excuses for why he or she now suddenly has leave the scene, without further delay.

What Should My First Goal Be with the Law of Attraction?

If I decide to start practicing deliberate manifesting with the Law of Attraction, what would be my first goal? How do I think about “gradual development”? How long does it take? How can I get a sense of that?

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, progress is measured in terms of how good you feel: How energetic are you? How optimistic and positive are you? How care-free are you? Are you worried? Are you fearful? Are you angry? Are you confused?

By looking at the negativity-positivity (NP) spectrum (see below) you can get an approximate sense of where you are at. Most people will typically find themselves either in the N2 region (“medium negative”) or in the N1 region (“slightly negative”).

Note, however, that the general rule is simply to gradually feel better, day by day, week by week. There is no need to formalize it in any way, if you don’t want to.

But just to illustrate the general idea, it might be helpful to think of self-improvement as a relative process, in relation to your own unique starting point.

So although reaching the P1 region certainly is a desired goal and a major breakthrough (and the starting point of a very bright future), all people should not have that as their first goal.

Consider the following example, where a person’s emotional range is classified as an N1 (“mildly negative”). As you can see in the diagram, because of his or her proximity to the P1 region, it is quite appropriate to have a short-term goal of reaching P1 in the near future:

A diagram illustrating the idea that it is reasonable for a person in N1 (mildly negative) to set his or her short-term goal to P1 (mildly positive).
Figure 3. For a person classified as an N1 (solid line), it is appropriate to set a short-term goal of moving up into P1 (dotted line) in the near future.

When I am using the word “short-term goal”, I am here referring to a goal that typically is no farther away than a couple of weeks or a couple of months.

This does not mean, however, that all persons who are in the N1 area will necessarily succeed in developing their emotional status in that time frame. For everyone’s circumstances and level of commitment are different. But still, it is a reasonable amount of time to make some substantial improvement of one’s emotional situation, even if one perhaps doesn’t make it all the way to P1.

In the second example we have a person who is classified as an N2 (“medium negative”). As you can see in the diagram, this person is much further away from the P1 region than the person in N1 is:

A diagram illustrating the idea that it is reasonable for a person in N2 (medium negative) to be conservative when settng his or her first short-term goal. Such a goal should typically be only half-way to N1.
Figure 4. For a person classified as an N2 (solid line), it is important to not set a too distant short-term goal. As illustrated here, such a goal should typically be only half-way to N1 (dotted line).

Therefore, a person in N2 should not have P1 as his or her first short-term goal. The distance between the N2 area and the P1 area is simply too great. At the most, his or her short-term goal should be one unit up from where they are. Thus, a person in N2 should use N1 as their maximum short term goal.

I say “maximum” short term goal, because that is typically not the normal short-term goal for a person situated in N2. The “maximum” short term goal should only be used for N2 individuals who are unusually motivated and cooperative. Otherwise, the level of ambition should be lowered.

The reason for the lower level of ambition is this. An N2 has a substantially higher degree of negativity in his or her system than an N1 individual has. Because of his or her less positive emotional status, the prospect of self-improvement for an N2 individual must be regarded as less “secure” and more unpredictable.

This then leads us to recommend that the rate of progress must be lowered, as to give more room for possible periods of doubting the process, or even developing a general non-interest in completing the process, etc.

So instead of using a jump of one full unit, one might use a smaller increment, such as 2/3 of a unit, or 1/2 of a unit, or something along those lines, just in order to make the process more doable for a person in N2.

The 3 Steps of Creating with the Law of Attraction

The process of creating your own reality consists of three individual steps. But only one of these steps needs to be actively addressed by you, in order for you to let in those things that you truly desire.

Step One: You Ask for Something

The first step is that you put in your order to the Universe. Although this “order” might be communicated verbally, you actually mostly do this vibrationally, in a non-verbal fashion, by emitting a signal containing your preferences. Many times such broadcasts of yours are a direct result of you experiencing a very unpleasant situation, at which time you strongly, and immediately, identify how you would want things to be instead.

In other words, the ordering process is more or less automatic, whether you know of the Law of Attraction or not. Thus, there is no need for any “visualization” exercises or other practices to define what you want. The asking is already done, in this lifetime and in previous ones. Your preferences are incredibly well defined, with millions of details of all various aspects of how you want your life to unfold.

In other words, there is nothing more for you to do in regard to Step One. Your asking is done. Really, it’s done. D-O-N-E.

Step Two: The Universe Processes Your Order

All orders are attended to in a very timely fashion by Source, the superconscious God-force that resides in the non-physical realm. All details of your preferences, large and small, are noted. Every question is answered, every desire is fulfilled.

The embryos of your manifestations are, however, not transferred into physical reality immediately. They are stored in a warehouse in the sky (think “in the cloud”), waiting for delivery. But when will they be delivered, then? When the recipient is broadcasting the right type of signal (Step Three).

Step Two is thus not your work. But Step Three is.

Step Three: You Allow Your Desired Things In

A serious student of the Law of Attraction always focuses most of his energy on Step Three: the idea of “letting in” or “allowing” the well-being. And how is that done? By preparing his or her vibration (thought waves, mood, attitude) in such a way that the resulting signal is accepted by the Universe. That is the delivery signal for the Universe Parcel Service.

But how, exactly, is that “letting in” thing really done? By abandoning the question mode. So one must abandon questions such as: “Did I mention I want a new Ferrari?”, “Why have my things not arrived yet?”, “What am I doing wrong since I can’t see my things yet?”, “Does the Law of Attraction really work?”, etc.

Instead of offering such questions, one must turn to the answering mode.

The difference between the question mode and the answering mode is this: If you are speaking all the time, how can you hear the answers? Stop speaking, and start listening instead. That is, stop thinking in the question mode. Stop emitting those nervous vibrations. Instead relax. Meditate. Spend time in nature. Only then will you be able to let things in.

So the “trick” then, for successful manifestation, is to only care about feeling good. It’s about relaxing, enjoying life, and not taking things so seriously. Work less, play more.

This means that you also have to relax your ethical and moral standards. There is no sense in joining any “causes” that are struggling against “injustices” or “morally reprehensible” situations in society. You are not here to save the world. If you want to find purpose in life, that’s great. But your purpose must be joyful, not a struggle (e.g. rebellious activist groups). In other words, don’t confuse “angry action” or “revengeful action” with “joyful and happy action”.

Also, you must let go of fears, of productivity demands, of responsibility demands, of fears of not being competitive enough, or rich enough, or intelligent enough, etc. All of that has to stop, gradually.

You must understand that you have nothing to prove to anyone. You are just as worthy as everyone else. So you must start believing that, deep down in your heart. Chill out. Go inside. And soothe yourself, for immediate relief, in stressful situations.

The Correct Law of Attraction Mindset

Mastering the Law of Attraction requires a certain mindset. One component of such a mindset is the idea that everything revolves around you. So to think “I am the center of the world” is perfectly natural, for a student of the Law of Attraction. There is no-one more important than you, for you.

This then practically translates to a type of emotional selfishness that will be hard to hide in the world. For your primary goal in everyday life is to feel good yourself. In other words, your primary goal is not to make other people feel good. That is their responsibility.

Thus, a potential student of the Law of Attraction has to be aware that there is little room for emotional attitudes such as empathy or sympathy. For such “compassionate” attitudes are typically connected to situations in which other people are complaining about their own problems, in order to drag you into all of it.

But since you have no plans of lowering your vibration to their level, you must either quickly switch subject (see the 17-second rule, and some practical tips), or leave the scene altogether (see the “not now” technique).

So your new attitude and behavior may substantially affect your sphere of friends, family, and other people you know. You might very well lose some of them, or make them mad or annoyed, etc. But that is their problem, not yours.

Your mindset must be that your happiness is the only thing that counts. So you cannot focus on (think about, talk about, write about, blog about) what other people think of you. You must quickly accept, by yourself (i.e. without discussing it with anyone else), that you now are disliked by some people, and then immediately turn your attention to other things that do make you feel good.

The expectation is thus that a serious Law of Attraction student will get more and more time for himself or herself, since very few people will accept his or her selfish attitude.

But that only makes things better for the student: for not only does it pave the way for new and better people to enter into his or her life (by the grace of the Law of Attraction), but it also gives him or her more time and space to focus on their important inner psychological work.

Why Do People Not Succeed with the Law of Attraction?

If the Law of Attraction is real, why is it then that so many people fail in their attempts of creating a better life for themselves? Does that not indicate that Law of Attraction is a bogus philosophy, after all?

The fact that many people so-called “fail” in their attempts to manifest things with the Law of Attraction is no conclusive proof for that the Law of Attraction is not real. It may instead merely be an indication that there is something lacking in their particular approach.

Here are some common mistakes (and there are many more!):

1. Using the wrong source material. The overwhelming majority of books and online resources on the Law of Attraction do not portray the Law of Attraction as it is. Using such books and online resources will not create optimal results, or any results at all.

2. Not following the recommendations. Even with the best authoritative material on the Law of Attraction at hand, a student must actually follow the recommendations. There are many small details to think about, all of which contribute substantially to the result.

3. Expecting quick results. Although some manifestations can be quick, most manifestations take considerable time. This is particularly true if one is trying to manifest things that previously have been troublesome to attain. So if beautiful brides and high-paying jobs have not previously manifested in one’s life, there is much inner work on worthiness to be done before that will change. Think years.

4. Asking “Where Is It?” This is the same as point 3 above. One must stop asking this question in order to receive. For answers (i.e., manifestations) and questions are totally different frequencies. Your desired manifestations will only come when you are ready for it, when you have lowered your resistance, and can let the result in.

5. Not stopping observing reality. A successful student of the Law of Attraction must stop being so interested in the current reality, especially if it’s about some negative developments. The current reality is old news. Stop watching the news. Stop reading newspapers. Stop discussing politics. Stop being so interested in what other people do or don’t do.

6. Being afraid of not being popular. Many people are afraid of losing their friends, or of not being well-liked by others. So they try various kinds of people-pleasing maneuvers, to gain in popularity. In doing so they compromise their most valuable asset: their own positivity and their inner sense of feeling good. To succeed with the Law of Attraction one must be emotionally selfish and non-empathic. And not be very interested in other people’s opinion.

Who Succeeds with the Law of Attraction?

So who, then, succeeds with the Law of Attraction?

Well, in one sense, everyone succeeds with the Law of Attraction. For just like the law of gravitation, one cannot avoid using it. The Law of Attraction penetrates all spheres of existence, and there is no place where it is not an active principle.

Thus we may say that all people manifest “successfully”, every day of their lives, for they do manage to materialize all those things that they choose to focus their attention on.

This means that everyone is a master creator, in a sense. But since most people’s emotional state is at N2 (“medium negative”) or at N1 (“slightly negative”), their manifestations are typically also mostly negative. Many people are experts at creating trouble for themselves, by watching what happens around them, and then focusing on various negative aspects of that current reality.

So now let us turn to a better question to ask: What are the characteristics of those people who are using the Law of Attraction deliberately, so that they always maximize their positive manifestations and minimize their negative manifestations?

And the answer to that question is always: Those who are more interested in FEELING GOOD than in any other thing.

Such emotionally selfish people are consistently perfecting the art of increasing their well-being by gradually adopting a philosophy of worthiness for themselves, whereby they no longer need to prove themselves to others.

They learn to quickly disengage in heated discussions, so that they instead can maintain their good-feeling emotional balance.

They get less and less interested in “being understood” and “being right”, because they know that it takes too much time and energy to explain it all. And they also know that most people won’t really understand them anyway.

They invest less and less time and energy in trying to impress or persuade other people of their own excellence. They know that their self-worth and self-esteem is not a function of what other people think of them, but that it is an innate quality in themselves, which simply has to be “dusted off” of all the earthly non-loving dust that has accumulated over time.

In short, they are independent creatures. They are not seekers of compassion or of support from other people, because they do not see themselves as victims. They mind their own emotional business, and they realize that their own happiness and well-being is only dependent on themselves, and no-one else. So they go for it.


In Part 3 the focus is on the manifestation of particular things that you are desiring. The three categories that I cover here are those that most people are interested in manifesting, namely money, relationships, and health.

Note, however, that I am not actually recommending that you should focus your attention on any of these specific goals in order to bring them about quicker. Your preferences are already noted by the Universe, so there is no “visualization” needed. The Universe already knows what you desire, in minute detail. Your only job is to start relaxing more, being thoroughly happy and joyful in your current situation without the manifestations, and then let the process take the time it takes. So chill out more!

Money and Wealth

Money and wealth are surely wonderful resources to have. Having those things will enable you to do whatever you want, whenever you want it. The question is just: why don’t you already have all that money and wealth that you are desiring so much?

Because, on some level, you don’t think you deserve it. Maybe you think that you haven’t worked hard enough? Maybe you think that you haven’t worked smartly enough? Maybe you think that you haven’t worked long enough? Maybe you think that only those who are born in the right families, or have the right kind of friends, are eligible for success?

Whatever it is that you are thinking, it basically always boils down to the same thing: you do not think that you are worthy of success. You don’t think that you deserve it. Thus, if there is no possibility of success for you, then why go after it?

Your mindset must change, gradually. You must, one way or other, develop a belief, and a feeling, that you are worthy. For you are, theoretically speaking, precisely as worthy as any other person on this planet.

The only difference between you and those who have all the money and wealth they’ve ever dreamed of is that they think, and feel, that they are worthy of it. And that makes them not just theoretically worthy, but also practically worthy. And that is why they have what they have. It’s a thought-belief-emotion thing.


Just as worthiness is very important in the case of money, it is also very important in relationships. So you must really think that you deserve to be with the most beautiful and charming woman ever, or with the most handsome and impressive man ever (depending on your sexual preferences, of course).

But compared with money, there are also other potential obstacles to consider. An important issue is the question of whether you actually want to commit to a traditional relationship, or not. Perhaps a more “loose” and less rigid relationship would be better?

I am saying this because a student of the Law of Attraction must always foster in himself or herself the idea of emotional selfishness and independence. Such a student is therefore not dependent on other people to feel good. This, of course, does not hinder that the student may love someone else; that’s just a nice bonus.

The “worry” though, is that emotionally selfish people are mostly not accepted by the other part (if the other part is not a serious student of the Law of Attraction himself or herself). For the typical expectation is that a traditional relationship should involve some kind of commitment vows (whether expressed implicitly or explicitly), such as “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health”.

But a student of the Law of Attraction is typically not so interested in strong commitments in relationships, because of their general attitude of selfishness and independence. So he or she is typically not very interested in supporting others who have problems: for if the other person becomes sick, or poor, or end up in trouble, then, according to the Law of Attraction, that is just a result of the other person’s thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. And that is their business.

Another potential obstacle is the permanence and the bondage of traditional relationships. A common expectation is that the relationship, after a certain time, should move on “to the next level”, where further commitments are made: perhaps an informal decision to move in with each other, or a formal engagement, or a marriage. And, perhaps, also accompanied by the condition that it should be “until death do us part” as well.

Overall, traditional types of relationship typically fit very badly with the mindset of a student of the Law of Attraction. Not only must the student always have lots of time and space for his own spiritual exercises (so why move in with someone else?), he or she also realizes that when things don’t feel right anymore, what would the point be staying together?

And since the student has the mindset of “abundance”, not just in relation to money and wealth, but also in relation to other things, he or she quickly realizes that there is also a cornucopia of other attractive women or men available that one could start to appreciate instead, or even at the same time.

The only relationship that I would recommend for a student of the Law of Attraction would be one where both parties are enthusiastic students of the Law of Attraction, and where they each live by their own, and where they, now and then, come together in a celebration of romance and adventure and fun. That is, in my estimation, the only way to really keep the spirit of love, excitement, and “wonderfulness” alive in a physical relationship.

Health & Well-Being

The lack of money and relationships may be regarded to be problematic for many people and may result in a type of psychological suffering. So it is only natural that there is a very broad interest for manifesting those things with the Law of Attraction.

But another area that can be even more problematic is the lack of physical health. For in addition to one’s psychological state of mind of not having it, one might also experience some level of physical discomfort, perhaps even a chronic one.

Aggravating this type of discomfort may be the diagnosis of physicians and doctors, who in some cases may simply say that they cannot really help you to solve the issue. So you’re basically on your own.

But no worries. This is the best position to be in, for a future student of the Law of Attraction. For having exhausted all other possibilities, his or her only chance to get well is to channel all energy into the idea that the Law of Attraction is real, and that it is possible to get better health using the Law of Attraction.

So the goal, then, for such a student, is to gradually move away from his or her strongly negative emotional territory (N3, N2) where all serious medical conditions reside, and at least reach the softer realm of N1 (“weak negativity”), where conditions will improve somewhat. From there the next step would be to reach full self-acceptance, P1 (“somewhat positive”), after which one can proceed to the acquiring of more self-love, and more and more positive health.

But this process may not be entirely easy, especially in the start. There are two reasons for this. One reason is simply that those who experience severe physical pain typically always are N2s (“medium negative”) or N3s (“strongly negative”). So getting out of their strongly charged negative territory is not an entirely easy (or quick) task, even if they would experience no physical pain.

The second reason is that their physical discomfort, in combination with the typical tendency to continuously observe one’s particular malady and complain about it, will prevent their progress. The more we focus our attention on our particular condition and complain about it (whether to ourselves, or to others), the more we “re-manifest” our troublesome situation into our own experience.

The difference between success and failure is basically this: you can have pain and complain about it, or you can have pain and be hopeful about it. If you choose the former, your situation will stay the same (or become worse); if you choose the latter, your situation will improve.

By adopting the mindset of “pain is the signal from the Universe that help is on the way”, you may be able to relax more and more in your discomfort, whereby your condition will naturally improve.

Also remember that the essence of you comes from the spiritual realm. You are the child of the same super-intelligence that has created all living beings in all universes. In other words, you are love and health personified, in your pure state. So by training yourself to regain more and more of that love, you automatically improve your physical health as well (see for example The 6 Innate Attitudes for Promoting Health and Well-Being).

For more details about the very best techniques to improve your health, please consult my article The Top 5 Processes for Better Health with Law of Attraction.


In Part 4 the focus is on finding the best quotes on the Law of Attraction and the basic idea that we all create our own reality with the help of our thoughts, beliefs, and desires.

  1. “Because the Law of Attraction is responding to the thoughts that you hold at all times, it is accurate to say that you are creating your own reality.” (Abraham-Hicks, Law of Attraction, p. 30)
  2. “We go back to our fundamentals: You create reality through your feelings, thoughts, and mental actions. Some of these are physically materialized, other are actualized in probable systems.” (Seth, Seth Speaks, p. 238)
  3. “The key to joyful deliberate creating is to choose the subjects of your thoughts intentionally while paying close attention to how each thought feels; for unless you are aware of how the thought feels, you have no understanding of where you are on the sliding scale of vibrational possibilities.” (Abraham-Hicks, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, p. 29)
  4. “You form your own reality. If you are tired of having me stress that point, I can only say that I hope the repetition will serve to make you understand that the statement applies to the most minute and the most important of the events that you experience.” (Seth, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, p. 99)
  5. “Creation is not about making things happen through action. In fact, creating is not about making things happen at all. Creating is about allowing the thing that you desire to happen, and the allowing happens through Energy alignment, not through action.” (Abraham-Hicks, The Astonishing Power of Emotions, p. 57)
  6. “If you are in poor health, you can remedy it. If your personal relationships are unsatisfactory, you can change them for the better. If you are in poverty, you can instead find yourself surrounded by abundance.” (Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality, p. xviii)


In Part 5 the focus is on finding the best possible material for learning more about the Law of Attraction. In the following there are two sections worth reading: one section on the best books, and one section on those articles on this website that may be useful for the beginning student of the Law of Attraction.

Best Law of Attraction Books

There are many books on the Law of Attraction, and most of them are not recommended. So I am here going to mention two excellent authors of Law of Attraction material.

The most popular books among the authorized accounts are those authored by Abraham-Hicks. Although they have written six books on various aspects of the Law of Attraction, their best introductory book is probably their first one, Ask and It Is Given. But all the other five titles are excellent as well, and they add lots of information and practical processes and techniques to make manifesting work better.

Another set of authorized accounts of the Law of Attraction are the books by Seth, two of which are Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality. These are less popular than the Abraham-Hicks material, perhaps because they are written in a more academic style. Another reason may be that they are not focused only on manifestation, but are discussing all aspects of the individual and his place in the universe. So if you want the whole story on birth, death, reincarnation, afterlife, etc., then these are the books for you.

For a more detailed presentation with information about some of the specific details covered in each book, see my article Best Books on the Law of Attraction.

For those who have special concerns about their body and their physical condition, there are many details described in my post Best Books on Better Health with Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction Glossary

The philosophy of Law of Attraction comes with a special vocabulary, containing many terms and concepts that may not be entirely easy to grasp. For an overview of the most important of these ideas, see my Law of Attraction Glossary.

Articles on the Law of Attraction


  1. Guide to Law of Attraction, Part 1: The 4 Ways of Deliberate Manifestation – Tue 17 May 2022

Point of Attraction:

  1. Thoughts and the “Point of Attraction” – Wed 9 Feb 2022
  2. Point of Attraction (Topic) – Fri 25 Feb 2022


  1. Dear Chris: Abraham-Hicks’ 17-Second Rule Doesn’t Work for Me! – Sun 23 Jan 2022
  2. What Is the 17-Second Rule that Abraham-Hicks Talks About? – Mon 24 Jan 2022
  3. “Being in the Now” vs. “Law of Attraction” – Sat 1 Feb 2022
  4. The “No-Means-Yes” Principle of the Law of Attraction – Mon 21 Mar 2022
  5. Law of Attraction in Action: Google and the “No-Means-Yes” Principle – Mon 28 Mar 2022

Techniques and Practices:

  1. Moving Our Emotional Energy with the Law of Attraction – Sat 22 Jan 2022
  2. Where Is My Magnetic Power? – Wed 26 Jan 2022
  3. Designing My Day: Segment Intending and the Law of Attraction – Thu 27 Jan 2022
  4. Top 5 Ways to Attract More Money with the Law of Attraction – Wed 23 Mar 2022

Book Reviews:

  1. Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz – Fri 27 Dec 2019
  2. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – Tue 29 Mar 2022
  3. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra – Wed 16 Feb 2022


(to be added)


Photo collage of my personal copies of referenced works used for the article 'Master the Law of Attraction'.

  • Byrne, Rhonda (2006), The Secret. London: Simon & Schuster UK. [Link to book]
  • Chopra, Deepak (1994), The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams. San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen Publishing; and San Rafael, CA: New World Library. [Link to book]
  • Hicks, Esther and Jerry Hicks (2004), Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires. Foreword by Wayne W. Dyer. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc. [Link to book]
  • Hicks, Esther and Jerry Hicks (2006), The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing. Foreword by Louise L. Hay. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc. [Link to book]
  • Hicks, Esther and Jerry Hicks (2006), The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham. Foreword by Neale Donald Walsch. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc. [Link to book]
  • Hicks, Esther and Jerry Hicks (2007), The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc. [Link to book]
  • Hicks, Esther and Jerry Hicks (2008), Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc. [Link to book]
  • Hicks, Esther and Jerry Hicks (2019), The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc. [Link to book]
  • Maltz, Maxwell (2007), Psycho-Cybernetics. New York: Pocket Books. [Link to book]
  • Roberts, Jane (1994), Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul. A Seth Book. Notes and cover art by Robert F. Butts. Reprint edition. San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen Publishing; and Novato, CA: New World Library. [Link to book]
  • Roberts, Jane (1994), The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know. A Seth Book. Notes and cover art by Robert F. Butts. Reprint edition. San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen Publishing; and San Rafael, CA: New World Library. [Link to book]
  • Roberts, Jane (1995), The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. A Seth Book. Notes and cover art by Robert F. Butts. Reissue edition. San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen Publishing. [Link to book]
  • Roberts, Jane (1997), The Way Toward Health. A Seth Book. Foreword, epilogue, notes, and cover art by Robert F. Butts. Illustrated edition [with photographs of Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts]. San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen Publishing. [Link to book]

Copyright © 2023 by Chris Bocay. All rights reserved.

First published: Thu 9 Jan 2020
Last revised: Thu 17 Aug 2023

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